Friday, June 28, 2019


Man is enamored about amassing wealth in its various forms. He has virtually become a worshipper of Mammon, the God of wealth! He is ready to go to any extent for the sake of money and material possessions! He is not much bothered about the consequences of such mad and meaningless pursuit of money. He is under the illusion that wealth and money that he accumulates will give him happiness and peace of mind. On the other hand too much of money is dangerous and the cause for all troubles. “Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has, the more one wants” says Benjamin Franklin. “Money can feed the body but not the soul. One has to toil hard to accumulate and save money. He has to strain much to protect it. He is sad if  it is spent or lost. Why then, money the cause of sorrow?” questions a poet. Buildings, property and material goods do not constitute real wealth. They are transient. Obsession for money and wealth has undone many a man.

Man earns money as if he is born to amass wealth! He is not bothered about fair or foul means. He earns it by gambling, by various forms of deceit, by highway robbery and other devious ways. Such money is tainted and can never make him happy. Lakshmi or the Goddess of wealth is never stable. She is as brittle as the bubble on the wave of water!  “Lakshmi toya taranga bhanga chapala vidyuth chalam jivitam” says the poet. Is accumulation of wealth the be all and end all of human existence? Knowing full well the transitory nature of material possessions man is driven passionately in pursuit of wealth by his desires. It is a dangerous trend. If money, material possessions, property and other things do not constitute wealth, what then is real wealth? We have to ponder over other various things and qualities that come under Real Wealth.

The word 'wealth' indicates mainly money and material riches. But there are others considered as wealth. Knowledge when properly acquired is a kind of wealth. The difference between the two is that one is impermanent while knowledge, once acquired stays permanently! Physical strength is also a type of wealth! It is not all who can possess robust and healthy body. According to Bhagawan Sri Sri Satya Sai Baba “ Dhan” or wealth is described in three ways.1 Aiswarya (conduct) 2 Sampada ( property) 3 Dhana (material wealth) Bhagawan continues and points out that all the three specified above are impermanent and do not follow us when we leave the body! When material wealth is lost we can reacquire it. When strength is lost we can recover it. But life once lost can never be regained!

The most important wealth to be cherished and acquired by man is Divine wealth which is imperishable! It is the duty of every individual to strive for and acquire this rare wealth by conscious effort. What is  “Aiswarya?” It is a treasure house where good conduct, and good character reside. It is deplorable that man, instead, has taken to mundane affairs and things imagining that he is in the righteous path. By doing so man is deluding himself. Such pursuit of deluding things shall never bring him nearer to God! Explosion of knowledge and technology has made man very powerful and he seems to be the master! But the pity is that he has not discovered his true nature! While controlling everything on earth, he has lost control over himself!

“ The wealth you earn is not true wealth! True wealth is the Grace of God.” Remarks Bhagawan in one of his Divine discourses. “ If one loses wealth, he may regain it. If Man loses health, some doctor may prescribe a tonic to regain it. If one loses status and authority, he may by good luck gain them back. If virtue is lost, it is lost for ever, nothing can restore the pristine purity. So one has to be ever vigilant and never slacken.” Says Bhagawan. Riches, material possessions and all depth of knowledge and everything pales in to insignificance before Divine Grace which should be the ultimate goal of every man! He has everything when he has Divine Grace! He has nothing bereft of it though he has all material possessions in the world!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


The word Culture is defined by people in different ways and there is confusion regarding the true or exact meaning of the word. The Sanskrit word for culture is “Samskriti”which represents civilization also. This word is derived from ”Samskara”which means refinement or removal of vice and ' planting of the virtues of Satya, Dharma, santhi and prema. It means that one has to remove the dirt from the mind. Our culture is based on the bedrock of Dharma or righteousness laid down by great sages like Narada and Valmiki who taught equanimity in sunshine and storm. It is the duty of the individual to not gloat over success or be depressed over failure or defeat. The secret of Peace is assured when we love and render service to our fellow beings. According to Bhagawan Sri Sri Stya Sai Baba “ The culture of this land proclaimed that the best form of service is to promote the growth of the practitioners of the good life—the sages and sadhakas.” (SSS Vol X) India is famous for the triple sadhana of Discipline, Devotion and Duty!

Our India was called Hindustan indicating an area where the Hindus lived. The word has association with the river Indus in the north of India. Many interpretations are given regarding the origin of the word India. But the interpretation by Bhagawan Sri Sri Satya Sai Baba is spiritual and stunning! “ The word  ‘Hindu' has been interpreted in various ways, but the real meaning is 'Him' ( himsa in violence), 'Du' (dur in far from); thus, a people who keep away from violence. Their conception of the immanence of God is strong and  unshakable. The rituals, ceremonies, vows and rites prescribed in Hinduism are all directed to the promotion and well-being of all the worlds. This is the reason why Hinduism is still alive and active!” (SSS Vol 7).Swami points out that the word Bharat means one involved in Divine pleasure. In other words all people in the country seek pleasure and happiness established in God.
Love is the fundamental teaching of the ancient culture of India! From time Immemorial the ‘youth have been advised, encouraged and taught by precept and example to love the poor, the helpless, the handicapped and the disabled, for the same spark of Divinity that is in us, is also active in them. (SSS Vol X) The culture of India, all through history, has tenaciously followed the four goals or 'Purusharthas' in life. They are Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.The essential meaning is that one has to live righteously, earn in the same manner and satisfy his desires before he deserves emancipation or salvation. Thus the word Hindu is one devoid of violence, sympathetic and helpful to others.

Indian culture is called in general as Sanatana Dharma -the age old way of life prescribed by the Vedas, scriptures and other Puranas and Itihasas. There is nothing in the Sanathana Dharma that does not touch the daily material and spiritual life of people.The significant aspect of Sanathana Dharma and our culture is the rare quality of tolerance and assimilation of various other cultures that affected India during the invasion by foreigners! The Afghans, the Moghuls, various other dynasties, the Portuguese the French and finally the English vied with one another to establish their authority over our land! Indian culture, like the great ocean, assimilated them all without losing her identity and culture! That is the greatness of our Culture!
Of late, Indian society, in its fascination for Western fashion and culture, has started aping them in many respects! It is of Paramount importance that we should have faith in our own culture that lays stress on the spiritual path of self control and discipline. We should not be distracted by the charm of foreign cultures. “ Indian women Bob their hair and discard the kunkum dot, in order to be fashionable, but, every Indian custom has deep significance. A whole container of sweetness can be spoiled by a drop of Kerosene. Accept good things from other cultures, the things that help you to control the vagaries of the senses and the Mind, to investigate and discriminate more clearly.” Warns Bhagawan Sri Sri  Satya Sai Baba.


                                                                                   ON OUR BELIEFS
Every individual and nation has its own beliefs and cultural differences. We cannot question them! Some have belief in God and others have no faith in God! Scientific advancement and technology has contributed greatly to rationalism and disbelief in God! There are people who do not believe in others. They doubt everyone they see! There are others who have no belief in themselves! Different regions of the world have different ways of living and their practices are different. Is this diversity a boon or a bane?  Nature has its own diversity. This inherent diversity of Nature is ornamental and makes it more beautiful and what are the beliefs of our nation? On what main principles does Bharatiya tradition stand?  What are the basic beliefs of our tradition? The diversity is absent among birds and beasts as they have no capacity to think. It is man alone who can think!

Indian or Bharathiya tradition is based on four basic principles. 1 Every action has its own inescapable  consequence. 2 people in India have belief in the role of avatar or incarnation of God in human form. 3 None can escape the results of his own actions, good or bad. 4 There is a strong belief among people that there is something sacred in everything in the world. Hindu Sanatana Dharma lays stress on three cardinal principles. First and foremost is the belief in a series of births. The second is that incarnations happen for the establishment of Dharma or righteousness and transformation of those that have strayed from it. Third and the most important belief is in the theory of Karma and human destiny resulting from the accumulation of the effect of previous actions, good or bad! The concept of avatar includes faith or belief in God as well as the inherent Divinity in man.” Realize the greatness of Bharat. Remember that all Avatars have incarnated in this sacred land. We ought to be proud of our sacred Motherland and lead a life in tune with its greatness. Alas, it is not so. Indeed, foreigners are coming to Bharat to gather all that is glorious in our land while we are going after soiled garments of the foreigners.” remarks Bhagawan Sri Sri Satya Sai Baba in one of his Divine discourses

While Divinity is latent in man like fragrance in a flower, fire in wood and oil in sesamum, ignorant men are carried away by external appearances and mistake them for reality! Some of the beliefs are strange but the reaction is totally different and opposite! Snakes are considered sacred and milk is offered to anthills to feed cobras in them! But there is terror at the sight of the snake and it is killed invariably! The bull is called Nandiswara, the vehicle of Lord Siva and is worshipped in temples. But they are tortured and used in cultivation. These beliefs have existed from time immemorial. It is an irony that inanimate objects are worshipped while the living are harmed! The starving man is denied even a morsel of food while rare delicacies are offered to the image of God as naivedya or sacred offering! The belief in the grace of God is so great that bundles of currency notes and coins are dropped in the 'Hundi' of Lord Venkateswara at Tirupati in Andhra pradesh! But the deserving beggar does not get a pie! “ All this is regarded as part of our ancient tradition. But how
much more sanctified will one be if one offers food to a starving man?....Is one doing his duty if he inflicts pain on the 'Jiva  (a human being) and offer worship to 'Deva' (the Divine)?” questions Bhagawan Sri Sri Satya Sai Baba in one of his Divine discourses! (SSS Vol 4)

In spite of rationalism and scientific temperament of modern days quite a number of old beliefs continue to influence the mind of the common man in society! This is because of the strong sentiment that is embedded from time  immemorial    It is believed that three brahmins are not expected to go together! It is in auspicious to accost a widow when you move out! Cat crossing your way is an indication of something bad to happen! Numbers 3,13, 8 and 18 are bad and have to be avoided! Some people believe that seeing a corpse while you go for a walk is a good omen! On an important mission  or work, if you stumble, you have to sit down and drink a cup of water! There are too many beliefs which are beyond any scientific reason or scrutiny! These are generally called superstitions.

Man's life is this an admixture of beliefs, superstitions and rationalism! This dichotomy, he cannot escape. He is too rational some times and too superstitious at other times according to his convenience! Too much of reasoning has made man question the very existence of God! He wants to believe what he sees alone! He does not understand the logical fallacy in his argument. How about many things that he cannot see but feel? Though man is called a rational animal, he is not totally rational! His beliefs and superstitions continue along with the rational attitude that he generally exhibits! It is rather impossible for man to live without his beliefs and continue as a full fledged rational being!