Wednesday, June 10, 2015






Arjuna is ever inquisitive. His doubts are numerous. He has already questioned Krishna on many of his doubts. Still they persist. He now wants to understand the real meaning of the TWO terms TYAGA or sacrifice  and SANYASA or asceticism. The Lord replies, " Arjuna! some say that Sanyasa is to relinquish actions that satisfy desires. TYAGA or sacrifice is ' Nishkama karma--action without expecting any reward. I feel that both the terms are synonymous. A Man is liberated by performing yagna or sacrifice, dana or charity and tapas or penance." yagna refers to the Pancha Mahapurusha yagnas in the chapter on Karma Yoga. All actions should be done in the name of God! Dana or charity is to use riches or education for the benefit of all! Tapas or penance is the conditioning of the body with restriction of diet and control. These three activities lead to the realization of the soul and are indispensable. They purify the individual.
       Krishna continues, " Thyaga and sanyasa are of three kinds.Forgetting his prescribed duties like Sandhya vandana, tharpana and sraddha for the dead parents come under Thamasika Tyaga! This leads to terrible suffering in hell. or Naraka loka!I In Rajasika sanyasa the person gives up chanting the name of God meditation and listening to epics and puranas because of difficulty and inconvenience to the body! In Satwika Sanyasa the individual performs the prescribed duties as per the Vedas bereft of ego, attachment and any expectation of reward. Arjuna asks the Lord if the Jiva is liberated by performing Karma. Replying that it is doubtful, Krishna says that there are five reasons for every action according to Sankhya and Jnana sasthras. But of the six systems of Philosophy, three recognize Paramatma and the others reject Him!
         Every action has five causes says Lord Krishna. They are 1 Place of action or adhishtana 2  the doer or kartha 3 Karanas or implements like groceries and utensils 4 Body language and finally 5 God's grace. Jnana is also of three kinds.Satwic Jnana is to realise that God is immanent in all the objects of creation. To imagine that atmas are different like the physical bodies is Rajasika Jnana. To think that atma or soul develops with the body is called ignorance or Thamasika Jnana! Satwik Jnana is the best of the three. This develops by doing one's duty perfectly. Action or Karma is also of three kinds! Satwic karma entails following the Vedas and doing the prescribed duties for the sake of God not expecting any reward. In Rajasika Karma you want fulfilment of your desires. In Thamasika Karma one practises black magic and performs sacrifices to harm others!
         Continuing, Krishna points out that Buddhi or intellect is also of three different kinds---Satwic, Rajasic and Thamasic. One who follows Dharma, Sasthras and is discriminative is Satwic. One who doubts the reliability of the Vedas and Sasthras is Rajasic. A person of Thamasic  intellect  mistakes Dharma for adharma and adharma for Dharma! Even Happiness is of three kinds according to Krishna! Satwic bliss is to merge one's mind in Paramatma by cotroling the mind and sensory organs. Happiness first and misery next is the fate of the  Rajasic votary! In Thamasic Pleasure there is  misery and difficulty at the beginning and the end
          " The cycle of Birth and Death is common to those bound by all these three qualities! Those who rise above these are released from the cycle of Samsara or worldly existence! Bhakti or devotion, Jnana or Knowledge and Vairagya or detachment are the indispensable requisites for liberation! These can be achieved by human beings alone! So even the Devas desire birth on earth as mortals!" said krishna to Arjuna..   (Continued)


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