On Money and other things
Money or wealth is a very important thing in life! One cannot live without money! Money makes many things we say. Money is necessary to acquire even a small need for our existence. it is said there is no difference between a dead person and a man without money! It is for money and wealth that man struggles throughout his life. But too much of money or wealth is dangerous.There is suffering in earning, saving, and spending money.Then why should people earn such money? Money cannot bring happiness to man. It can give him pleasure and luxury in life. It may lead to robbery and even murder at the hands of the greedy and the envious! “ ma kuru dhana jana yauvana garvam” counsels Adi Sankara in his Bhajagovinda stotra. Money is not stable. It moves from one person to another. It is as unstable as the bubble from the wave of the sea. Money misused destroys man.That is why it is advised that one should have just the money required for his existence.
The first wealth is health according to Emerson as nothing can be enjoyed without it. According to Chanakya, “ Give your wealth only to the worthy and never to others” as they may misuse or abuse it. “ Seek not greater wealth, but simpler pleasure; notmjmy the other higher fortune, but desperation felicity”says Mahatma Gandhi. Wealth without charity cannot be called ideal possession. “ The wealth which you will keep for ever is the wealth you have given away” says Marcus Aurelius.
Scholarship is a quality cherished by quite a few people. The essence of true scholarship is its originality. Creativity is its soul. One has to struggle to acquire scholarship. ‘ A scholar who loves comfort is not fit to be called a scholar in the words of Confucius. Mere memory cannot constitute scholarship. It is proper judgment that is required. He will be a walking dictionary if he has all the books in the world in his mind and nothing else. Sans originality or creativity, erudition is just ‘dust shaken out of a book into an empty skull.’
Every individual is endowed with imagination. But it varies from one individual to the other.Imagination takes you to a different world altogether. When imagination runs riot poetry comes into being. Imagination is poetry according to Shelley, the famous English poet. “ Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.” says Albert Einstein. Jonathan Swift, the famous novelist, calls imagination as the art of seeing things invisible, and ‘ the preview of life’s coming attractions.’ Art and poetry would not have seen the light of the day without imagination!
“Wealth,scholarship,intelligence-- all become worthwhile only when used in the right way” states Bhagawan Sri Satya Sai Baba. Wealth accrued in an illegal manner becomes black money. Earned through bribery it is tainted. Used for mere pleasures and luxuries, it degrades man! Spent for charity and righteous causes, it ennobles the human being. Scholarship that tends to mere criticism of other scholars and their work is not scholarship at all. Intelligence when it contributes to the welfare of humanity is ideal. But when it takes a devious turn and aims to destroy humanity it ceases to be worthwhile! Most of the scientific inventions and discoveries, though well intentioned, are now turned into tormentors of mankind! Invention and imagination of such kind is better avoided. It is not important that we have these possessions, but it is of paramount significance how they are utilized for the good of society at large.