Saturday, January 5, 2019

SIVA'S ANGER (Soundarya Lahari 85)

The lotus is no comparison for the feet of Sri Mata! They are rosy and bright and attract the attention of everyone! They are a symbol of natural beauty that cannot be excelled! But Devi's feet have defeated the lotus by the radiance of Her feet! Diamond studded 'manjiras’ adorn Her feet and the jingling soft sound produced by them heightens the beauty of Devi! She has the royal and dignified gait of the female Swan that compels other's attention and care! Her feet are smeared with red ‘sindura’ paste! “Sruthi seemantha sindurikrutha padabja dhulika!” She is capable of uplifting the mortals caught in the mire of samsara or family ties! “Samsarapanka nirmagna samuddharana panditha!” Her lotus feet grant emancipation or ‘mukti’ to Her sincere devotees! She is the very embodiment of causeless compassion and the torch that dispels the darkness of ignorance or ‘ajnana’.” Avyaja karunamurthy rajnana dhwanta deepika!

Sankara is not satisfied with the descriptions of Devi's eyes, ears, feet, nose, breasts, navel and other angas' of Devi! After explaining the extreme softness of Her thighs that defeat the softness of the elephant trunk and the plantain stem, Sankara states that her forelegs (Janu) are harder and more stony than the heads of the eight ‘Diggajas! Manmatha has converted Her “Janghas” into his quiver where the ten arrows are kept! Indra and other Devas always remain obedient at Her lotus feet!

Considering himself as impure, Sankara prevails upon Sri Lalitambika to place Her lotus feet on his head and purify him! The Vedas and the Upanishads wear Her feet as ornaments on their head! It is the water of the Ganga from the matted hair of Lord Siva that wash Her feet! Her feet are of the red hue of the Kaustubha diamond of Lord Vishnu! Sankara calls upon Devi to place such distinguished feet on his head so that all his impurities are removed once for all!

Once again, in the eighty fifth sloka Sankara conjures up a beautiful vision of Devi's feet and offers his ‘pranams’ to those lotus feet. Says Sankara, “ O Mother! Your feet are wet with the smear of  ‘Laksharasa! and shine with dazzling brilliance! I offer my obeisance to them! It appears that Kameswara is furious at that Asoka tree that expects Devi's kick for the ritual of “Dohada!”

Sankara imagines that Lord Siva is angry that his prerogative during the romance and love quarrel-- Devi's Pat with Her leg is obtained by the Asoka tree! “ Dohada” is a ritual in ancient days where a beautiful woman would gently hit the tree that  does not bear flowers and fruits! It is believed that the hit by the leg of a beautiful woman would electrify and activate the tree into bearing flowers and fruits! The tree would not be barren afterwards!! We wonder at the humility and simplicity of the great poet, philosopher and the founder of the Adwaita School of Philosophy! It is a lesson for all of us puffed up with pride, arrogance and ego! Sankara indirectly warns all of us not to be the victims of those evil qualities! If Sankara feels he is impure, how about all of us full of innumerable defects!

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