Thursday, May 16, 2019


Parents have a tremendous responsibility in bringing up children. Children go astray mainly because of the negligence and carelessness of their parents. To a great extent their preoccupation with various other activities denies children the company of their parents! Present day attitude of children leaves much to be than all, the character of the children must be made strong and pure. Give them all the courage and confidence desired. There parents
are gone! Unity and strength shall surely be undermined by this moral decline. “More they need to become good, honest, self reliant children. It is not enough if they learn something by which they can make a living; the manner of living is more important than the standard of living.”Counsels Bhagawan  Sri Sri Satya Sai Baba in one of his Divine discourses. (SSS Vol 5). Parents are worried about the future of children and engage themselves in accumulating riches. They want their children to live happily.

In trying to secure their material life, they forget to inculcate the most important sense of values! The father should not merely lecture on values but set an example by practice. Swami says that children should be taught to live like lotuses in the lake of samsara or family life. The speciality of the lotus is that it is in water but is not affected by it! Though they cannot live out of water, they do not allow water to enter. Swami exhorts that children can live in samsara but take care that samsara is not in them! Children are the best imitators. They implicitly mimic the activities of their parents. If the children are disobedient or disrespect elders or have no faith in God, it is because of the behavior of their parents. There is no need to blame children for these acts. Hence the significance of living a Dharmic or righteous life laid down by our scriptures and sastras. How can the son be cured if his father is aq drunkard or a gambler or a cheat? Children should not be allowed total freedom.Parents should have an eye on all their activities.Total unbridled freedom is detrimental to their future. Evil company and indulging in pleasures shall ruin them.

How about children? They are of very highly impressionable. Childhood and youth are precious and should not be wasted or improperly spent. Horror stories, stories of crime, porn should be avoided   compulsorily. Life is not a bed of roses. It is also not a bed of thorns. Whatever be the troubles and turmoil, children should not stray from the path of duty. “Children are charming saplings, full of promise. who can be made,  by wise care and well directed love, to blossom into ideal citizens”says Swami in his Divine discourse. The most crucial part is the earlier years when the father and the mother are responsible for the upbringing of the child. It is during these crucial years that the foundation is laid for the skills, the attitude, the prejudices, and the emotions of the child. This is the time that the child’s character is built! Children can be compared to the crops growing on the fields. The harvest of these crops sustains the nation. They are the bedrock of the nation and it is on their young and strong shoulders that that the nation rests!

All work and no play makes  children dull and disgusted. Their food and play must be regulated.  It is of paramount importance that they develop a sound mind in a sound body! Why regulation in food? It is because Food dictates the health, intelligence, emotions and impulses. Care must be taken to ensure the quality and quantity of food, the number of times it is taken and the timings. Recreational activity should be elevating and moral and in the company of the righteous. Children by nature are innocent and tender. They should not be spoiled by association. The friends they have exert a lot influence on them. “Tell me your friends and I will tell you what you are” is a well known statement.`

Mother’s influence on children is greater than that of the father. It is said that there is a woman behind the greatness of every man. We know the adage “ The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world” Children love their mother and she can easily put her child in the right path. Children should never be handed over to child caretakers! The greatest disadvantage is that they lose the love of the mother, the most essential component for growth and development. Children  shouid   not receive anything without hard work. They have to earn and qualify themselves to receive anything. Every individual should remember that if he gives joy to his parents, his children shall return the joy in his declining years and senility!

Friday, May 10, 2019


“Man cannot live in isolation, like a drop of oil on water. He is a product of society. He has to live in it, grow with it and work for it” remarks Bhagawan Sri Sri Satya Sai Baba in one of his Divine discourses. ( S S S Vol X) Man is not only a rational but a social animal. Without society he is a fish out of water. He cannot exist alone without the company of others. It is the duty of man to join others and cooperate in tasks of common interest. Man can derive bliss or ananda in the company of others in society. Seclusion is not a sign of strength. It is a sign of fear and timidity and escapism. Man can learn certain sterling qualities of character through his association with others in society. Morality, justice, compassion sympathy, love tolerance, equanimity and a host of other qualities that build up one’s character can be cultivated through association with other members of society. Unfortunately, Man is selfish and in search of his personal happiness. He does not think that his happiness depends upon the happiness of his brethren in society. Pride, arrogance, ego and lust take him to the level of the beast. These  evil tendencies can be set right by keeping company with the good and the wise.

How can man express his gratitude to the society where he is placed? Is he only a receiver out and out? Man is indebted to society in many ways and has to repay his debt in one way or the other. He has been nurtured and fostered by the society and has to pay back according to his mite. Society is called as the manifestation of Divinity.  It is not just an admixture of human beings.” IT has to be wedded into a unit by consciousness of kinship in God, by sharing of each other’s joys and sorrows. The individual has to manifest through word and deed the ‘ ananda’ inherent in him and in society” says Swami in his Divine discourse. Active participation in society with the spirit of dedication is essential for every individual member. Every act should be considered as an act of worship.  All men should be considered as the form of God! The company man keeps has a tremendous influence on him. “ Tell me your friends and I will tell you who you are!” is a popular saying.

There should be a proper understanding of the relationship between the individual and the society. Questions like this may be asked: “Why should the individual serve others?” How can society have a claim on the individual Sage Vyasa the codifier of our Vedas and the Upanishds clearly lays down the duty of man in society. “Paropa karartha midam sareeram”—This  body is for the purpose of helping others. He further defines punya or holy acts as the help done to others. Papa or sin is to trouble other members in society. “Paropakaraya punyaya papaya para pidanam.”The individual can find fulfillment in society alone. Born and brought up in society, man ends his life in society. Swami says: In the word Samajam (society)’ sam’ represents ‘unity’ ‘aa’ means going towards. ‘Samajam’ means going forward in unity.” Swami compares society to a beautiful  many petalled  flower. Every individual is a petal. All the petals make the flower beautiful. How can there be a flower without its petals?

Society is sometimes compared to a chariot with four wheels. The for wheels symbolize the four qualities namely Unityor (Aikamatyam), Control (Swadhinam), Knowledge ( Jnanam)and Power (Sakthi) These wheels take the chariot of Society forward.

Vedic societies flourished because of the human values patronized by the emperors and kings.King Pruthu Dilipa and various rulers followed the righteous path and societies remained happy and fruitful.  No society can be called human without values. The more human values are followed and practiced the better shall be the society. Mere stress on academic achievement in the educational system will not be enough for the progress of society. It should be mixed with  the promotion of human virtues. There must be an adaptation of our ancient  cultural and spiritual traditions  inherited from the past to the daily needs of the present. What are the five human values that an individual or a society should cultivate? They are: 1 Ahimsa or non violence 2 Satyam or truth 3  Astheyam or non stealing 4  Brahmacharyam or celibacy and 5 Aparigraha or non acquisitiveness as per Vedanta.

Ahimsa really means that no harm should be done in thought, word and deed! Truth in the real sense is that which does not change with time! Astheyamis the quality of non  stealing what belongs to others! Brahmacharya is not merely remaining a celibate but to concentrate on the Brahman or the Supreme Reality! Aparigraha , in reality, is what is called Nishkama Karma- action without expecting any reward!  It is self effacement to the extreme! Unfortunately all our actions are done with self interest and expectation of personal reward or benefit. People have started to bargain with God!!How to become a good citizen in society? One has to seek good company and friends. Seekers and the detached. This way man will be illuminated. Reading our holy scriptures and listening to holy discourses shall influence human mind for good.  it is regrettable that holy days have become holidays  when there is revelry, or picnics or outings or indulgence in sensual pleasures. Fire which cannot be touched receives hammer blows as it is associated with the base metal Iron! In the same way ordinary thread , in association with flowers and fragrance as garland  reaches  women and even God for worship and decoration!  Hence it is absolutely essential that man seeks good company, follow human virtues and advance in society and allow the society to advance on healthy lines!    

Saturday, May 4, 2019


‘All women whether naturally good or not, whether chaste or unchaste should always be looked upon as images of the blissful Divine Mother.” says the mystic saint of Bengal, Sri Ramakrishna paramahamsa.  Women are considered as the embodiment of Divine energy or Shakthi. While the Purusha  or the male is considered as potential energy, the female is termed as the kinetic energy. It is her dynamic role under the supervision of the purusha. It is she that executes the will of the male.  Divine Mother is the Primal Energy or Shakti. She is also called Mahamaya, the great Illusion. She is said to be the cause of creation, protection and destruction. She has covered us all with the veil of ignorance. Without Her grace it is impossible to come out of the illusion! According to sri Ramakrishna, there are two aspects of Divine Shakthi---Vidya and Avidya. Avidya is the deluder, the enchanter that eggs man on to Kamini and kanchana—women and gold. It creates attachment from which man cannot wriggle out.” Woman is not only the housewife but on her depends the glory of the whole country. That is why we say, “This is our motherland.” remarks Dhagawan Sri Sri Satya Saibaba.

Woma plays a multiple role in her family.She is companion and guide to her husband. She is also the first teacher of her childrenShe is the role model for her children in all respects and a guardian of their health and sound mind. Indian culture has placed high esteem on women and given them very high place in society. Names of a few illustrious ancient women are Anusuya,the spouse of sage Atri,  Lopamudra, Maitryi,  Gargi and others. It is she who molds her children so that they may reach their highest position in life. “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”  Is the saying that proves the important part played by the mother.The word “Ardhangi” in Sanskrit means wife. The exact meaning is that she is  half of the body of her husband!  According to mythology Lord Siva has given away the left side of his body to his consort Parvathi! That is why that form of Siva is called “Ardhanariswara” –one who is half woman. It is in the hands of woman to make her home a veritable paradise or dismal hell.Woman has tremendous responsibility. She has to bring repute not only to her family but to that of her parents in law. It is like walking on the sharp razor’s edge.

What about the modern woman in society?  They are competing with man in every field of activity. They are everywhere in offices, schools, colleges and factories. They occupy high positions of authority in other fields also. With the advancement of science and technology, desires have increased and they earn more than men. They want to stand on their own legs and wish for a comfortable and luxurious life. In many families both the husband and wife are employed. They have ample money but their children miss their parents very much. Many women are not in a position to adjust with work at home and office. There is neither job satisfaction nor happiness at home. “ The educated woman must utilize her knowledge and skill to bring up her children into  healthy, virtuous and disciplined youths who may be of use to their country, their culture and their community Earning money is not the end all of education” asserts  Swami in one of his Divine discourses. (SSS Vol 10) “ In trying to secure comforts, the office seeker woman achieves only an emptiness at home.”

Women tenaciously champion of the culture of our country and keep a check on the vagaries of the moral behavior of their men. They also inspire men to follow spiritual discipline. They are tender hearted and full of compassion for the distressed and the hungry. But unfortunately, women have started aping foreign customs and habits and in the field of fashions they have even beaten the foreigners! In the name of personal   liberty they have taken to semi naked fashionable dress!  They assert that it is their right to dress as they like and none has the right to question. This is a disturbing trend in the present. Many Indian women bob their hair and even wipe off the  kumkum  bindi from their face!  There are extreme cases where the woman removes her mangala sutra, tied by her spouse to the nail on the wall!. “A vessel of sweetness can be spoiled by a drop of Kerosene. Accept good things from other cultures, the things that help you to control the vagaries of the senses , and the mind, to investigate and discriminate more clearly. ”says swami lovingly to our women! (SSS Vol !0))

Women have a pride of place in society and honored as Goddess Mahalakshmi at home.  she is considered to be the harbinger of wealth and property! She is also called as “Dharmapatni” , the one leading her man to Dharma or righteousness! A widower is not eligible for yagas or sacrifices aod other religious rituals. In the Ramayana, Sri Rama, in the absence of Sita, had to perform the yaga  with the idol of Sita by his side! She helps man in self realization and progress towards God! Women have equal rights in achieving bhakthi, Jnana or knowledge and vairagya or non attachment! Happy, healthy and holy women make the men of the  country ‘ hardy, honest and happy. Prakriti or Nature, the manifestation of God, is feminine in principle. The importance of the female element is recognized from time immemorial .She is the first and Purusha is the next and second! Names like Sita Ram, Lakshmi Narayana,  Gauri  Sankara establish this fact clearly. Modesty is another asset for woman. A woman without modesty is looked down upon in society.” The absence of modesty makes life for a woman, however rich in the accomplishments, a waste and vacuum. Modesty lifts her to the heights of sublime holiness. The modesty of woman wields authority in the home and outside, in the community as well in the world”  says Swami in his divine discourse. (24 10 1965)

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


 Teacher is the sculptor who transforms the rough diamond into the scintillating and brilliant diamond! Outside the family teacher isthe friend, philosopher and guide to the student. Cel
ebrities in the world are all shaped by their teachers. It is of paramount importance that teachers and parents and those interested in the progress of mankind should recognize the present situation.The influence of the teacher is always on the student whether he is aware of it or not. Our ancient sages and saints were great teachers who lived a spotless life and were examples of righteous or Dharnic life. Sages like Vasishta and Viswamitra were classical examples of Gurus or teachers who inspired their students in leading righteous lives. What about the modern teacher? Our system of education lays emphasis on degrees, diplomas and lucrative jobs rather than a life of peace, contentment and Love. Educational institutions have become temples of Lakshmi instead of being the temples of Goddess Saraswathi. Teaching and learning have become a mechanical process!

Students are the future citizens of the country and rulers of the nation. The ideals inculcated by the teacher decide the destiny of the nation. The teacher as well as the process of education should cater not only to the intellectual and material advancement but to the student’s moral and spiritual progress. Education should not be for mere livelihood. It should be for living a meaningful life. “students have to be encouraged to ‘Follow the Master”; ( the inner voice of conscience), “ Face the Devil” (the down dragging anti social urges), “ Fight to the End” (until one is able to overcome the inner foes of lust, anger, greed, undue attachment, pride and hatred)and “ Finish the Game” (of life on earth)” counsels Bhagawan Sri Sri Satya Sai Baba in one of his Divine discourses.

Swami says that the teacher and education should make the student aware of his inherent Divinity. It is this quality that confers self confidence and self satisfaction to the student. No academic degree or diploma is capable of doing this. Teacher student relationship should be reciprocal. One should be ready to give while the other ready to receive. Teacher’s responsibility is to inspire and illumine while that of the student is to respond to the ‘Love and Light’.  Swami says, “We now believe that the acquisition of knowledge is for the acquisition of wealth. But this is not right. Just as a bird has need of two wings, a cart must have two wheels;   Man, too, must have two types of knowledge—to live on and to live for. The one helps him to eke out his livelihood and the other rewards him for having lived at all.”

The teacher’s responsibility does not stop with the inculcation of knowledge concerning the material   world.  He should make the students realize that spiritual practice is as important as secular education. Pupils should be made to understand their indebtedness to God for all the benefits they enjoy including the air they breathe and water they drink. Education is said to be the manifestation of the Divinity in man. The teacher has the onerous obligation of instructing his students on the cultivation of the Five Cardinal virtues----Truth, Right Conduct, Love, Peace and Non Violence. The teacher should be the ideal for his student.  By doing this he elevates the student and also the society of which he is an inalienable part. It is the unavoidable responsibility of the teacher to keep a watch on every word and action of the student! The teacher must be the ideal and an example for the student. Women teachers are better equipped than men in discharging their responsibility. Students and children are easily molded by sweetness and softness and maternal love rather than by fatherly advice and admonition .

Importance of spiritual education cannot be underestimated either by the teacher or the student. It is the bounden duty of the teacher to open the eyes of the student to spiritual practices and discipline. “Whatever  job a student may take up, wherever he may be working, he must continue to practice spiritual discipline. Without a spiritual basis, education would be wasted” Says Swami in his Divine discourse. (SSS  Vol 10) Teachers should see that children’s and students’ minds are not polluted by fear and hatred. They should be taught to have open hearts to receive all good things. Thus the teacher has an enormous and very great responsibility to guide and inspire the student in the right direction He should be a Role Model in precept and practice for all his dear students!