Sunday, October 5, 2014

Keep the company of the wise.

"One diamond is thousand times better than a thousand pieces of glass! Our indriyas are given by God to be used for good purposes, not to be fritter away in useless actions and speech! We find people arguing about politics, and coming from words to blows! Our ears, eyes, hands legs, tongue head,and mind are to be employed in good and sacred work or karma! Ears should hear good speech,eyes should see good, pleasing sights, hands must do useful work, and legs should lead us to good and sacred places! Our tongue should speak sweet language, head should prostrate to good people and the mind should always have noble thoughts! That is why the Vedic student says "jihwa me madhumatthama" The great Kulasekhara Azwar exactly points as to what all these indriyas have to do to seek the grace of God! " Jihwe kirthaya kesavam muraripum chetho! bhaja sridharam Panidwanda! samarchyachyuthakathaha srotradwaya! twam srunu Krishnam lokaya lochanadwaya! harergachanghri yugmalayam Jighra ghrana! Mukunda pada Thulasim murdhan! namadhokshajam! Oh Tongue sing the glories of Kesava! Oh Mind or manas! worship Sridhara! Oh Hands! perform puja or archana to Achyutha! Oh Ears! hear the stories and leelas of Madhava! Oh Eyes! witness the beautiful form of Krishna! Oh Legs! walk to His temples! Oh Nose! smell the fragrant water or thirtha with Thulasi and Oh Head! bend in obedience to Adhokshaja! In other words each part of our body has to be dedicated to the thought and worship of God! This practice will surely take the person to the spiritual field and lead to pure devotion and self realization! Engrossed in idle, and argumentative speech does not serve any purpose! Time lost can never come back! Hearing discourses of sages and saints or wise men can turn tables and transform even bad people into good men! That is why Adi Sankara says 'sath sagathwe nissagathwam nissangathwe nirmohathwam nirmohathwe nischalatatwam nischala tathwe jivanmuktihi' There was a king who wanted to marry his daughter to a real sage! He announced that half his kingdom shall be given to the groom! A thief wanted to pretend like a great sage and practised penance! The king selected him and wanted to arrange for the wedding! The thief, during his penance, felt real peace and bliss and thought that if by pretending to be a sage is so blissful, real penance would be much more blissful! He refused the king's offer and went away for more penance to the Himalayas! So even pretending to be spiritual shall make a man truly wise & spiritual! 

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