Thursday, October 30, 2014


Arjuna's doubts multiply even as the Lord tries to dispel them. He asks Krishna why Jnana Marga is better than karma Marga though the path of action is the instrument for Jnana. Why should he follow Karma Marga avoiding the path of intellect? Arjuna says that the combination of Jnana and Karma Marga has baffled him and he is confused as to which path he should follow.
        " Sreya" indicates acts that bring happiness in the long run though they are initially difficult" answers the Lord. On the other hand " Priya " refers to transitory pleasures that end in sorrow and difficulty later. Japa and penance belong to the former while enjoying pictures in the cinema theater and visiting coffee houses belong to the latter. Krishna points out that he has created two types of people namely those with pure heart (antahkarana) and those without purity of heart. Jnana Marga is for the first type and Karma Marga for the second type. " How do you consider me as one without purity?" questioned Arjuna. Krishna replies that Jnana cannot come to one who does not perform karma or for one who discontinues it in between. It is a continuous process until we transcend the time concept. Then Karma will drop by itself. Karma is like foundation for the wall. Jnana can be attained by performing acts according to one's caste or clan like bathing,japa, and sandhya vandana. Jnana willnot dawn on a person all of a sudden. Hence Karma or action is sine qua non for the next step namely moksha or mukti.
          Krishna continues and says that Karma is absolutely needed at least to maintain one's body. All actions should be done selflessly for the sake of God. This is called yajna or sacrifice done for Lord Vishnu. Sacrifices are the connecting links between mortals and Devas. One who does not offer things granted by God and eats them up is a thief because the entire world is God's property.  Why should man perform yajna or sacrifice? What is its significance? While using the  Knife, grinder, stove, vessel to cook and the broom many germs die and man commits sin unknowingly. This sin is called ""Panchsuna'.  To ward off  the evil of this sin and allow man to liberate himself FIVE kinds of sacrifices are recommended by the shasthras. The first and foremost of these " PANCHA MAHA YAJNAS is Brahma Yajna where one reads the Vedas and scriptures. The second is Daiva Yajna or Divine worship. The Sun, the Moon, stars, mountains, rivers, trees proclaim the glory of God.The mango is sweet not because of the owner of the garden or the gardner but because of God! We should offer all God given things to God before we enjoy it. The third is called Pitru Yajna or worship of the parents and ancestors.The Vadas say ' matru devo bhava, pitru devo bhava' They should be considered as Gods and given due respect and love.It is impossible to wipe off the debt of the mother! Bhishma's self sacrifice for his father isgreater than that ofSri Rama for his father Dasaratha! For the  satisfaction of our pitrus Shraddhas or annual ceremonies must be performed. The fourth is Narayana or Manushya yajna. This is purely for the service of humanity. Service to man is service to God as the living human body is the Temple where God is enshrined. The fifth and the last is called Bhutha yajna or service to the dumb creatures. Arranging drinking water tubs, sheds for cattle, giving food to dogs and pigs and putting rangoli with rice flour come under Bhuta Yajna.
          The essence of KarmaYoga consists in livinf for God, living for humanity and living for the world at large. It is also rooting out selfishness and leading a life as unselfish as possible Swami Vivekananda says,' The highest ideal is eternal and entire ideal is eternal and entire self abnegation, where there is no "I " but all is thou." The entire universe is cyclic in its movement. The circle ends where it begins. The essence of food causes the foetus or the beginning of life. Clouds bring rain and crops are harvested to provide food. Clouds are formed through Yajnas. All yajnas can be performed by various kinds of karma. These karmas are prescribed by the Vedas. The Vedas embody the Absolute Brahman and He permeates all and is the indweller of all beings. Hence unless we perform the prescribed duties we will not be liberated. One who fails to perform his prescribed duties is called " Karma Bhrashta." His life is a waste. He lives in his indriyas and is called  "indriyarama." whilethe performer of duties is called " Atmarama." one who livesin the Atma! ( continued in the next Blog)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was not know anything about Karma Yoga. Now I got some idea. Thank you, admin
