Saturday, April 2, 2016


Elections are very important in the political history of nations! Without Elections no political party can come to power. Elections decide the representatives and the party that can form the government. Election process is not new but since 18th century elections have been held to decide the ruling party. In civic bodies like municipalities, corporations and panchayats elections are held to choose members who govern. In our personal and private life we see a kind of selection .when we apply for a job there is an interview or an aptitude test from which you are selected. When you are an eligible bachelor there is a selection! Parents of the girl come to see you, know about you , your qualifications and job and income before they finally decide, The girl too has her moments of uncertainty. The groom’s family has a very close scrutiny of the beauty of the girl, her age, qualifications, job, and other accomplishments before they say yes for the alliance! It is a testing period for the girl. In short, selection and election have become
part and parcel of our daily life! We cannot escape from these!
       But these are not very important. Elections to the assembly and parliament are the most important   events in the life of the Nation. They are conducted once in five years but there are a number of bye elections when elected members die or quit the party. There is an Election Commission which oversees and conducts all elections in the country. Election rules are specific and stringent. But they are more   observed in the breach than in observance! Election Commission is powerful but not very powerful! It has its own limitations. During the period of elections the whole state suddenly comes to life. It is a colorful show of posters, graffiti, flags and festoons adorning every nook and corner! Propaganda blares out deafening your ears and you are not allowed any peace of mind! Batches of party workers including the candidates, sometimes, touch your feet and you feel a sense of glory! But that is all. You never see the elected representative until the next election! What happens to the promises he made earlier!
         There are too many parties to create enough confusion among the voters! Voters do not know the antecedents of the candidates. People with criminal background and cases against them are allowed to contest as until they are proved guilty they are considered innocent! Only the rich and the super rich are given seats to contest! As a result, sincere and honest citizens, capable of serving better, are denied entry. Politics has suddenly become an honorable profession Service to the nation has become a secondary option while earning money within five years has become the primary aim for the politician! Rallies are conducted and verbal attacks against other parties are very common! Instead of arguing on political ideologies we find personal attacks on leaders of other parties! Election Commission is a silent spectator and issues a warning.
          The greatest drawback during Elections is the hydra headed corruption and the attempt of all political parties to purchase votes through disbursement of money and other freebies to individual voters! Election Commission has already collected a hefty sum of rupees 17 crore or more in Tamilnadu! Every party tries to outwit the other party in winning the vote of the common man. There is no minimum qualification for contesting the election! The only eligibility is your riches! No one cares whether you keep up your promises! The rich become richer and the poor poorer! Still tremendous development has to be made by the nation in many aspects after more than sixty five years of independence!
            Our Assemblies and parliament require men and women with a selfless zeal to serve the country. It is sad that many are not like this. Law makers should not be law breakers! Stalling of parliament business is a grave crime. Dignity and decorum is absent in the parliament No member cares for the Speaker of the Parliament. They make it very difficult to conduct the session! Many Election reforms should be brought in. There should be the right to recall. Members agitate for increase in their emoluments unanimously while blocking many important Bills in the Parliament! We can see real Democracy when political parties uniformly strive for the well being of the common man irrespective of caste, color, creed or community! Let us hope that there will be such a period in the life of our nation   shortly!

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