Sunday, March 31, 2019


Faith is the substratum of every individual's life on earth! It is impossible to live without faith or trust in the other person or God! It is trust that brings calmness and peace of mind.The child has absolute trust in its mother. There is no fear in its eyes.There is joy on its lips. It is full of peace because of its implicit faith in the love and affection of its mother. It is undisturbed by the happenings in its surroundings. As it grows up it is affected by fear, anxiety and hatred because of the effect of desires that dominate.The lap of the mother is the paradise for the child. It believes with unquestionable faith whatever the mother says! When she points to one as its father, grand parent, brother, or sister, the child accepts it with faith and without any question. Faith is the basis of every act. Many of our actions would be impossible if we have no faith or belief in various persons or individuals. 

We go to the saloon for a haircut placing our faith or trust in the barber. We allow him to trim our hair according to our taste. If we are afraid of the knife and the razor that he wields we would surely run away from him! The dhobi is another example.It is because of our faith that we give our clothes for a wash. If he were to run away with our costly clothes, we will never give him a chance! We place our total trust in the driver of our car and his experience. Our life is in his hands at the steering wheel! What will happen if there is a faux pas and there is a fatal accident? Such thought will disturb our peace of mind and we can never travel in comfort and peace of mind! We trust the engineer that builds our home. If we think that the building will collapse we would never reside in that house! Hence faith is absolutely essential for our existence. “Learn!Experience! Be Happy! It does not matter a bit if you have no faith in ME or in God. Have faith in yourself. That is enough. For who are you really? Each of you is Divinity, whether you know it or not.” asserts Bhagawan Sri Sri Satya Sai Baba in one of his discourses.

Blind Faith has its own rewards. it is not bound by reason or season.Faith and spirituality transcend all reason. Man is a rational animal. He does not believe in God because he cannot see Him directly. But he believes in newspaper reports though he does not see them! He believes in what he hears more than what he sees! It is wrong to think that you should see everything that you believe in. There are many things that we realize and feel without seeing them. Glorious Nature is the manifestation of God! Through Nature we realize the the existence of God! Our sages and seers have realized God through their tapas and intense meditation. we should have faith in their words and experience. Belief and trust in God is essential for a happy and peaceful life.One should have faith in himself first and foremost for without that all his efforts will fail. What is the cause for that faith in yourself? “You believe in yourself because your self is God and you have unshakable faith in God, deep down in you. Faith in yourself and faith in God are identical; you tap the strength of the God within when you face an enemy without.” counsels Swami In one of his discourses.

 Faith cannot come suddenly. It is a plant of slow growth. But when the roots go deep into the heart it becomes unshakable. Faith should be steady and unwavering! One should not change his faith according to his whims and fancies. We have faith in tomorrow. It is because of that we work beyond this day. No planning is possible without faith. It is faith that leads to effort. Faith makes the person an optimistFaith can work wonders in the life of individuals. When it is intense it forces God to manifest himself before his devotee! 

Instances galore are there in our scriptures where God was compelled to appear before his bhaktha. The story of child Dhruva is an example. Faith is capable of confronting Death and score a victory over it! Young Markandeya was destined to die in sixteen years! To make his parents happy he performed tapas with great faith that God would help him! When the God of Death, Yama came to take him, Lord Siva saved young Markandeya and punished the God Of of Death! The lives of Azhwars and Nayanmars in the South are full of faith and resignation to the will of God! They saw Providence in person, conversed with Him directly and enjoyed the bliss of Divine presence! There is nothing that with cannot achieve with faith. “Faith in God is the secure foundation on which hope has to be built. The faith has to be stable and strong.The feeling that God will come to our rescue has to be vivid and vital, motivating and activating all that we do or speak or think.”remarks Swami in his discourse to his devees


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