Thursday, April 4, 2019


It is very interesting to note what eminent scholars and statesmen say about Democracy. Lincoln says "The ballot is stronger than the bullet” But now bullet has become stronger! Voters are intimidated at the point of gun and prevented from voting in many places.The result is that very few vote and that cannot be taken as the voice and choice of the people. According to Winston Churchill “Democracy is the worst form of government except all other forms that have been tried from time to time.” Yes , our ancients kings ruled the country very well!  In democracy you can never please all!  There are innumerable problems for the government.

“ Democracy works  when people claim it as their own” says Bill Moyers. Here people never claim it as their own! It is the prerogative of the selfish politicians to call democracy as their own! Their pet policies and plans are called people’s plan and implemented! The common man suffers without the basic needs! Oscar wilde, the famous poet says that Democracy is simply bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people. In a way, it is correct. People are forced and intimidated to vote for a particular party with inducements like money and material. They are not allowed to exercise their freewill taking into account the credentials of the candidate! No candidate is bothered about maximum number of votes polled, they are worried about the number of votes they garner!  “It is not the voting that is Democracy, it’s counting” decries another writer!

“In every well governed state wealth is a sacred thing. In Democracies it is the only sacred thing” comments Anatole France. This is absolutely true for otherwise who will join politics? The aim of  almost every politician is to earn wealth whether he is a lakhier or a crorepathi.! The Rich become richer but the poor become poorer! Politics has become a big business open only to the rich! The common man can never aspire for a role in politics! It has become a vicious circle!In our assemblies and Parliament, we have good number of super rich members as well as the rich. Their desire for money is unquenchable and their service to the nation is minimum of less than that! This type of Mammon worship is detrimental to the nation but none is bothered about it! They are all worldly wise and we cannot expect much from them!

Johnny Carson says, “Democracy means that anyone can grow up to be president, and anyone who does not grow up can be vice president.” There is a truth in the statement. A hard working, service oriented individual can definitely come up in politics. His worth will be recognized; he will surely climb the ladder of politics. We have many examples in our Democracy. A shining illustration is our own Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi  who from very humble beginnings has ascended to the foremost position in the government! People reward the individual for nationalism, selfless service and hard work. But there are instances where members are elected to high posts on political exigencies even without merit!  It is not every time that merit is recognized.

“Our Democracy is but a name. We vote. What does that mean?It means that we choose between two bodies of real, though not avowed autocrats” says Helen Keller!How true is the statement!  The ruling party and the opposition are at loggerheads. Both want their policies and plans to be implemented! They find fault in everything that the government does! People’s priorities are forgotten and placed om the backburner! They have the  appearance of democrat but essentially they are autocratic! In other words autocracy has put on the garb of democracy! Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher dismisses all definitions and says, “Democracy is when the indiginent, and not the man of property are the rulers.”As per this ruling our government is no Democracy at all! Our Parliament and Assemblies in states are over crowed with the rich and super rich who own lakhs and crores of rupies!  How can they think of the innocent and ignorant multitudes of the country? “Democracy, like liberty, justice, and other social and political rights, is not “given” it is earned through courage, resolution, and sacrifice.”  Hence if we want real Democracy the poor, the honest and the hard working should come forward, enter politics and serve the country!

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